Io is a compact, Cryofree® and low vibration continuous cooling solution from Oxford Instruments NanoScience, and it offers sample and device temperatures down to 50 mK.
Suitable for sub-100 mK research and detector applications, Io offers a continuous cooling solution with lower sample and lower device temperatures compared to ADR and 3He refrigerators. It can be easily integrated with many optical accessories, including optical fibers, neutron scattering tails, windows and piezo-electric manipulators, which combined with a powerful 1 K circuit make Io a perfect solution for detector development, quantum photonic measurements, and beam-line applications.
Built on Oxford Instruments’ Cryofree technology, Io has a compact footprint for particular applications. As it uses dilution refrigerator technology, it offers the continuous cooling related to dilution refrigerators as well as integration and space benefits compared to other techniques.
With a 30 µW of cooling power at 100 mK, 50 mK base temperature, and continuous operation over a wide range of temperatures, Io perfectly balances affordability and performance for many applications.
The key features of the Io cooling solution are as follows:
Excellent Temperature Control
The sample plate can be managed between 50 mK and 10 K, while maintaining the magnet at full field. The temperature stability is: ± 1 mK below 100 mK, ± 1% above 100 mK. As there are no unstable temperatures regions, the sample plate can be controlled accurately at any intermediate temperatures. The example below shows a temperature controlled sweep in steps of 100 mK.
Compact, Lightweight and Portable
Io is easy to install and operate when the system needs to be moved frequently from one place to another, or where space comes at a premium. This system does not require factory expertise for re-commissioning, because it is designed in such a way that even inexperienced users can perform the work with minimum effort.
Fast Cool-Down Time
The system can cool from room temperature to base (<50 mK) in less than 24 hours.
Low vibration
The system has 1 W pulse-tube cooler decoupled with flexible copper braids.
Dedicated 1 K stage
This strong intermediate stage is suitable for anchoring wires and other experimental services.
Sample space
The mixing chamber plate is 150 mm diameter.
Wiring capacity
The system has one 50 mm line-of sight port for up to eight semi-rigid coaxes and three additional ports for flexible wiring.
Ease to use
Bolted magnet current leads (no soldering required).
Ease of assembly
The radiation shield flanges and vacuum cans have key-way holes, so that a single person can easily assemble the cryostat.
Io comes in application-friendly configuration packs:
TES Detector Pack
- Window tails
- Cryoperm shield
KID Detector Pack
- 4 x UT85 SS coax lines: 2 lines with attenuators and 2 without
- Constantan experimental wiring with 4 K break
- Window tails
SPD Detector Pack
- Cu/Nb experimental wiring with 4 K break
- 2 x single-mode optical fibers
- 4 x SS UT85 coax lines: 2 with attenuators and 2 without
- 8 Tesla integrated magnet
Neutron Scattering Beam Line Pack
- Thinned aluminum neutron tails
Qubit Characterzation Pack
- 4 x SS-Be UT85 coax to 4 K, NbTi to 50 mK: 2 with attenuators and 2 without
- Constantan experimental wiring with 4 K break
- 8 Tesla integrated magnet
- 2 x multi-mode optical fibers