Micromeritics' Grant Selection Committee has selected the recipient of its grant award for the fourth quarter of 2011. An ASAP 2020 HD Micropore High Definition Accelerated Surface Area and Porosimetry Analyzer has been awarded to the University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy.
Professor Angiolina Comotti, University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy.
According to Professor Angiolina Comotti, Principal Investigator, "New molecular van der Waals crystals containing permanent microporosity were discovered and their porosity was investigated. We are pursuing this research theme with new molecular porous crystals and polymeric materials exploring different weak and covalent interactions for the fabrication of the microporous frameworks.
The ASAP 2020 HD will provide the low-pressure capability and pressure measurement resolution for sub-microporous materials. Our research activity includes the study of advanced micro- and sub micro-porous materials endowed with specific-site properties that will be explored also by solid state and hyperpolarized 129Xe NMR." Professor Comotti gained the title of Associate Professor in 2010. She has published 80 papers in a wide variety of peer reviewed journals with over 1300 citations and participated in numerous invited lectures.
According to Preston Hendrix, Micromeritics' president, "This program is designed to promote and advance the acquisition and use of particle characterization instrumentation in non-profit universities and institutions where other means of funding are not generally available. We are very proud and excited to present this award in an ongoing grant program to support important research." Mr. Hendrix has appointed a special Grant Selection Committee to ensure the success and effectiveness of this program.
Micromeritics' Instrument Grant Program is intended to provide particle characterization instruments to non-profit universities and research organizations for the purpose of fostering and supporting meritorious research projects. A maximum of one instrument/integrated system will be awarded per calendar quarter. The next grant decision will be made prior to 03/31/12. The next application deadline is also 03/31/12 for a 06/30/12 grant decision.
Applications may be submitted at any time in accordance with the application instructions and will remain active for a period of one year from the date of submission. Visit Grant Program for a detailed grant description, application requirements, and application.