PI (Physik Instrumente) L.P., a leading manufacturer of piezo ceramic actuators and precision motion-control equipment for semiconductor, bio-medical and nanotechnology applications -- has released a new catalog on Piezo Mechanisms.
The 400-page catalog presents PI’s complete spectrum of piezomechanic components and motion systems, from simple, direct actuators, to long-travel ceramic linear motors and complex multi-axis flexure guided nanopositioning stages. A separate section lists the latest digital control electronics.

The catalog also includes a tutorial on piezo design for positioning applications.
The catalog can be downloaded at: http://www.piezo.ws/pdf/Piezo_Mechanism_Cat10.pdf
Examples of Different Piezo Mechanisms to Solve Different Problems:
Direct Piezo Actuators: Z-Stacks, Shear (X, XY)
- Highest Force (to 10,000 lbf)
- Fastest Response: Microseconds to Milliseconds)
- Short Travel Ranges: 2-100 µm
Piezo Flexure Lever Actuators
- Longer Travel to 2 mm
- Flexure Guiding System for Straight Motion
- Response <1 msec
Ultrasonic Linear Motors
- For High-Speed Automation and Microscopy
- Long Travel (10s of millimeters to 100s of mm)
- Fast:: to 500 mm/sec
- Low Profile, Self Locking
PiezoWalk® Linear Motors
- High Force (4 lb to 170 lb)
- Compact, Self Locking
- Long Travel (10s of millimeters)
Piezo Flexure Positioning Stages
- Multi-Axis Motion, Highest Precision Class (Sub-Nanometer Feasible)
- Applications in Semiconductor Technology, Nanotechnology, AFM, Super-Resolution Microscopy, etc.
PI is a leading manufacturer of piezo actuators, ceramic motors and precision motion control equipment for bio/nanotechnology, medical devices and photonics applications. PI has been developing and manufacturing standard & custom precision products with piezoceramic and electromagnetic drives for 35+ years. The company has been ISO 9001 certified since 1994 and provides innovative, high-quality solutions for OEM and research. PI is present worldwide with eight subsidiaries and total staff of 500+.