Mar 27 2008
PI (Physik Instrumente) L.P. -- a leading manufacturer of ultra-precision motion-control and sensing equipment for semiconductor, astronomy, medical technology, nanotechnology, photonics, and life science applications -- has released a new brochure on Precision Linear Actuators.

The brochure presents a variety of sub-micron to sub-nanometer precise compact actuators, featuring novel ceramic piezo motors as well as classical motors.
Systems range from pen-tip-sized ceramic actuators for high-volume optics & medical applications, to high-force non-magnetic ceramic actuators for ultra-precision vacuum applications.
High-speed ultrasonic actuators provide velocity to 800 mm/sec (32 in/sec) and accelerations to 20g, while flexure actuators respond to control input in as little as a few 100 µsec to operate fast pumps or position optics in high-speed focusing or alignment applications.
In addition to the novel piezo ceramic motors and actuators, a number of ballscrew actuators with servo and stepper motors are also available; they provide resolution in the 0.1 micron range, and forces to 400 N (40kg / 88 lbs)
Non-magnetic and vacuum compatible versions are offered throughout the product spectrum. These precision actuators are designed for applications in fields such as:
- Semiconductor Metrology
- Medical Design
- Ultra-Precision Machining
- Aerospace & Astronomy
- Test & Measurement
- Photonics, Optics, Microscopy
- Biotechnology / Life Sciences
- Precision Motion Control