PI (Physik Instrumente)'s patented P-653 piezo motor linear slide is significantly smaller than other miniature linear stages and provides significantly higher velocities and resolution.

A developer's kit can now be ordered from PI-USA's Piezo Basics Online Store at http://store.pi-usa.us/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=P-653.01D
Features & Advantages of the Ceramic Miniature Motors
- Developer's Kit Plugs into USB Port, comes with Control Software
- True Linear Motor Slide / No Rotary Conversion Losses
- Fast: Velocity up to 200 mm/s, Millisecond Responsiveness
- Self Locking; Smaller, Faster, Fewer Components than Conventional Motors
- Travel Range 2 mm, Force Generation to 0.15 N
- Cost-Effective OEM Drive for High Quantity-Applications
- Preassembled and Mounted on a PCB Board
- Very Compact: Piezomotor Drive is Only 8 mm Long
This true linear motor system (no conversion of rotation) consists of only 4 parts and can replace classical drive elements like miniaturized motor/lead screw systems or other linear motors, which P-653 outclasses with its speed of up to 200 mm/sec (8”/sec) and auto-locking feature.
Datasheet: http://www.physikinstrumente.com/en/pdf/P653_Datasheet.pdf
Easy Integration
Integration of the P-653 is simple because the moving slider and the piezo motor are delivered assembled as a unit on a PCB driver board running on 5 VDC.
Typical OEM Applications / Scalability
P-653-series PILine® ultrasonic motors are ideal for OEM applications where quantities are high and space is at a premium. The systems were optimized for moving small objects such as optical fibers, micro-optics, or micro-electro-mechanical elements fast and precisely. These non-magnetic ceramic motors (no lubricants!) can also be used in medical applications. Larger motors are also available, the ultrasonic principle is scalable.
Simple Control
Motion is controlled by TTL voltage pulses applied to the driver electronics. The self adjusting driver creates the high-frequency, nanometer level oscillations (~500 kHz) that make the ultrasonic ceramic motor move.
Working Principle of PILine® Piezo Ceramic Linear Motors
PILine® linear piezomotors are based on a, patented ultrasonic drive. At the heart of the system is a rectangular monolithic piezoceramic plate (the stator), segmented on one side by two electrodes. Depending on the desired direction of motion, the left or right electrode of the piezoceramic plate is excited to produce high-frequency eigenmode oscillations of hundreds of kilohertz. PILine® motors are vacuum compatible, non-magnetic and self-locking.