Since its launch, the RAITH150 Two has proven itself as a winner among universal, high-resolution electron beam lithography systems. This advanced solution is used in research and nanotechnology centers around the world and has established its robustness in 24/7 use.
The RAITH150 Two is designed to expose structures smaller than 5 nm and can handle sample sizes ranging from a few mm to 8″ wafers.
The stability of the RAITH150 Two, even in tough environments, required for challenging exposures is made feasible by an environmentally tolerant and thermally stabilized shield.
Ultra-High Resolution and Imaging
- Sample handling up to 8"
- Sub 8 nm lithography
- System automation
- Split room setup/thermo stabilization
- Low kV exposure and imaging
Pure Research and Small Batch Production
Hardware and software automation enable effortless and repeatable tasks for small-batch production.
The RAITH150 Two high-resolution electron column along with a range of detectors facilitates unparalleled flexibility in process control and mark recognition.
RAITH150 Two Product Details
Main Applications
- Imaging
- Low voltage Electron Beam Lithography
- Nanolithography
Column Technology
- Electron
- Inlens SE detector
- Gemini
- 30 kV
- Energy selective BSE (EsB) detector option
- Large Z travel
- 6" full travel–8" wafer handling
Unique Writing Mode
- Periodixx - periodic patterning without stitching errors using MBMS technology
- traxx - continuous writing without stitching errors using FBMS technology
Raith150 Two Ultra-High Resolution Electron Beam Lithography and Imaging

Loading procedure of 8-inch wafer for automated sample transfer into the RAITH150 Two chamber

RAITH150 Two Applications: High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) device with 75 nm T-gate (IUHFSE, Moscow, Russia)

RAITH150 Two Applications: 4.5-nm lines and spaces in HSQ e-beam resist (MIT in cooperation with Raith)

RAITH150 Two Applications: Optical delay waveguide written with traxx—a stitch error-free writing mode (Raith USA, New York, USA)

RAITH150 Two Applications: 3D-Fresnel lenses array in 5 µm thick e-beam resist (Raith GmbH, Dortmund, Germany)

RAITH150 Two Applications: Accurate 11 nm lines in PMMA (cross-section) e-beam resist (Raith GmbH, Dortmund, Germany)

RAITH150 Two Applications: 60-nm pitch grating in PMMA e-beam resist (Raith GmbH, Dortmund, Germany)