Abstracts for both oral presentations and a poster session are now being accepted for the 2nd International Workshop for Scanning Probe Microscopy for Energy Applications, June 8-10, 2011, at the Max Planck Institute for Polymers (MPIP) in Mainz, Germany, co-sponsored by AFM manufacturer, Asylum Research.
The Workshop will focus on sharing new and innovative research involving characterization of the microscopic mechanisms underpinning solar cell, battery, and fuel cell operations, and materials used for alternative energy applications at the nanometer to micron range. Recent advances/techniques in SPM/AFM used to characterized energy relevant materials and systems will also be addressed. Deadline for abstract submission is May 20, 2011. Solicited abstract topics include, but are not limited to:
- Mapping of carrier dynamics and photo-induced behavior of photovoltaic materials
- Ionic & electronic transport in fuel cells and lithium-ion batteries
- Energy harvesting, and energy dissipation imaging by multimodal and band excitation SPM
- New SPM advances/techniques for characterizing materials including electrochemical strain microscopy, contact resonance, multi-modal techniques, and
- Micro-Raman and NSOM, and probes applied in the field of energy application.
The 2nd Int'l Workshop for Scanning Probe Microscopy for Energy Applications is co-sponsored by MPIP and Asylum Research, the technology leader in Atomic Force/Scanning Probe Microscopy.