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Significant Achievements Seen After Declaring Nanotechnology as National Priority in Israel

According to INNI (Israel National Nanotechnology Initiative) statistics, gathered towards NanoIsrael 2014, the 4th international conference & exhibition, the number of junior scientists in the field (including post-doctorates) is 220, the number of doctoral students is about 750 and the number of masters students is more than 850. In the past three years over 7,500 scientific papers have been published where 1500 of which resulted from collaboration between the universities.

"In the six years since declaring nanotechnology as national priority, the field marked significant achievements," says Rafi Koriat of INNI (Israel National Nanotechnology Initiative) and a conference co–chair.

According to INNI, in these years there were 830 collaborations between Israeli academia and industry (domestic and foreign), and 206 "success stories" in the form of startup companies and approved patents, with another 860 patent filings.

Commercializing technologies will stand out again in this year’s NanoIsrael conference, says Koriat. "The conference will be attended by large delegations and experts from around the world, who will come to Israel to experience its vibrant nanotechnology scene. Both industry and academia, with its six nanotechnology centers at the leading research universities, will feature strongly in the conference."

NanoIsrael 2014 will be held on March 24th-25th , at the Tel–Aviv David Intercontinental Hotel, Israel. Prof Uri Sivan of the Technion, renowned scientist and the first head of the Russell Berry Nanotechnology Centre at the Technion, is chairing the scientific committee this year, and Nava Swersky Sofer is a conference co–chair.

NanoIsrael 2014 is held in cooperation with the Israel National Nanotechnology Initiative (INNI) and the nanotechnology centers at Israeli universities, and is supported by the Ministry of Trade & Industry, the Foreign Ministry, key companies, universities and organizations from Israel and abroad.

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