The fully-integrated correlative Raman imaging and scanning electron microscopy designed by TESCAN for detailed sample analysis is a novel correlative microscopy method. Using Raman imaging and scanning electron microscopy, ultra-structural surface properties can be connected to molecular compound information.
The combination of Raman spectrometry and SEM imaging methods enables scientists to extend the analytical features of SEMs. Raman imaging is a famous spectroscopic technique used for gaining sample information regarding the spatial distribution of molecular and chemical composition. It can also be used to produce 2D and 3D images and depth profiles to envisage the dispersal of the molecular compounds within a sample.
Raman spectrometry is ideal for phase identification as well as for characterizing the state of the material under investigation. A few of the Raman bands change as a result of stress applied to the material. The stress intensity can be visualized and quantified. Raman spectrometry is beneficial to evaluate the crystallinity of solid materials according to the width of Raman bands.
Additional information can be also procured by studying the Raman band intensities. It matches either to the quantity of the material or it can be associated with the thickness of a particular layered material. This technique, for instance, allows for distinguishing areas formed by mono-, bi-, or multi-layered-graphene
TESCAN SEM/FIB-SEM with Integrated Raman Spectrometry

Color-coded confocal Raman image. The colors display the graphene layers and wrinkles. Image parameters: 20 μm x 20 μm, 150 x 150 pixels = 22,500 spectra, integration time: 0.05 s/spectrum.

SEM image overlaid with the confocal Raman image.

SEM image of a graphene sample.