The Empyrean Nano edition is an X-ray scattering platform enabling a variety of techniques for the structural characterization of (nano)materials on multiple length scales.
Being based on a high-resolution goniometer platform and easily configurable with different pre-aligned X-ray modules, this lab instrument offers maximum flexibility.
Hybrid pixel area detectors with a high sensitivty, excellent resolution and low noise greatly contribute to the high achievable data quality.

Modular Concept
Evacuated beam path and hybrid pixel area detector
The Empyrean Nano edition supports all major elastic X-ray scattering techniques:
• SAXS and WAXS: Small-and wide-angle X-ray scattering
• Bio-SAXS: SAXS on biological macromolecules
• USAXS: Ultra small-angle X-ray scattering
• Total scattering: Atomic pair distribution function (PDF) analysis
Typical samples that can be characterized with the Empyrean Nano edition include nanoparticles, colloids, protein solutions, surfactants, porous materials, polymers, nanocomposites, liquid crystals and glasses.
2D SAXS pattern from nanoparticles
2D WAXS pattern from a polymer fiber
USAXs data from large particles