UtiliseGold is a unique website, designed to support the industrial uses of gold. UtiliseGold provides an effective and convenient resource for engineers, designers, scientists, technicians, and managers seeking to use gold as a technical material. Practical uses of gold currently account for approximately 400 tonnes of gold demand per year, and include uses in electronics, dentistry, biomedical applications, chemistry, catalysis, nanotechnology, and coatings amongst others.
Use of Gold in Food and Beauty Products
There is a historically tradition of combining gold with food and drink products eg in Japan, tradition suggests thin gold-foils placed into tea, sake and food are beneficial to health. A number of companies including Delafee are currently using gold as a luxury enhancement for food and drink products including chocolate, deserts and even champagne.
Gold flake and nanoparticles are also finding use in a wide range of cosmetic and beauty applications. Chantecaille market a Nano Gold Energising Cream and Guerlain produce the the L'Or Radiance Concentrate product.
Other companies with 'nanogold' based cosmetic products include NanoPlasma Centre's Nanoseal range of face creams, and SongSing Nano Technology's skin creams.
Nano Gold Cosmetics
Umo24 have recently launched a Carat Gold facial which includes the placing of fine sheets of gold onto the skin followed by gentle massaging.
This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by World Gold Council.
For more information on this source, please visit World Gold Council.