The PDL Hall system available from Semilab is ideal for both AC and DC Hall measurement modes. The AC field measurement can be conducted on materials with a mobility of <0.1 cm2/Vs, which can be better than the DC field measurement mode.
Most often, materials with such features are photovoltaic (aSi CIGS Perovskite), thermoelectric, transparent conductive oxides (TCOs) (such as ZnO, ITO, AZO, IGZO), organics electronics (OTFT, OLED), and semiconductor materials.

Operation of the magnets.

PDL-1000 setup and sample holder.
High-Sensitivity Parallel Dipole Line Hall Measurement — AC/DC Field
Key Features
- Compact design
- Simple operation
- Robust and simple tabletop system design
- A wide variety of mobilities, such as semi-insulating samples and very low mobilities (<0.1 cm2/Vs) can be measured, such as the ability to conduct both traditional static field (DC) and alternating (AC) Hall measurements
- Cooling system is not needed
- Tabletop setup, using rotating Parallel Dipole Line magnets (bulky electromagnet not needed)
- Software retrieves low Hall signal with the assistance of software-based lock-in detection (this eliminates the need for costly hardware-based lock-in detection)
- High sensitivity (cab handle mobility of <0.1 cm2/Vs)
- Software-regulated measurement and automated parameter extraction
- Uniformity (<2% sample size up to 10 × 10 mm)
- Proprietary signal processing and user interface (UI) software
- Large magnetic field (around 2.5 T pk-pk)
- Optional gate bias voltage
- Background illumination option

Measurement results.

Screen copy of PDL-1000 measurement sequence.