The ProberStation 200 from Semilab allows automated AFM measurements while assuring the lowest cost per measurement for failure analysis, quality assurance and quality control, as well as the ultimate ease of use.
The ProberStation200 has an open design that provides space to simultaneously mount additional equipment to the AFM, like nano-indenter or optical microscope.
- The DS 95 AFM scanner has a compact design that ensures excellent scan rates and stability
- The completely digital C-32 SPM control electronics offers spearhead imaging control and feedback performance
Ease of Use
- The special option offered for plug-and-play cantilever exchange ensures a safe and quick operation of the instrument
- The AFM scanner has a built-in optical axis that offers complete visual control during approach and positioning
- The high precision XY stage enables coordinate-based navigation on specimens
- Script-based measurement recipe generation allows user-specified automated measurements and offers cost- and time-measurement data collection
- Extra optical equipment can also be fitted for pattern recognition or alternative microscopy modes
With the DS 95 SPM scanner range, Semilab offers the ultimate combination of performance and ease of use. The DS 95 SPM scanners reflect a decade’s lasting experience in the domain of SPM application and manufacturing, helping users realize the best and most consistent outcomes in the shortest possible time.
The ProberStation200™ is the advanced stage for AFM on huge samples. The long-range XY translators of the ProberStation200™ help examine 200-mm samples at all positions and up to 300 mm on particular areas of samples.
The stage can be fitted with an optical reference system for higher positioning precision, as required for defect review applications. The entire positioning progress is highly stable and fully automatic and, hence, ideal to examine many structural features on a single specimen in overnight and long-term measurement runs.
In comparison with interferometer-based positioning systems, the investment effort is considerably decreased by offering a similar performance.
The completely programmable sample positioning allows independent AFM measurements on various sample positions with automatic report generation and automatic image analysis. The integration with high end optics facilitates an automated preselection of sample sites for AFM analysis.
Thus, the setup of ProberStation200™ is the ultimate solution for process development and application, industry quality control and research and development environments. The limitless space for OEM or custom integration of extra analytic equipment paves the way for research applications.

The topography image on the right side shows a GaN sample presenting atomic steps and defects. Graph and image on the left side show a section analysis enabling to determine the step height of the single atomic steps. Image Credit: Semilab Semiconductor Physics Laboratory