Dec 21 2009
The College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering ("CNSE") of the University at Albany hosted more than 3,000 elementary, middle and high school students and over 30,000 members of the community through its educational and public outreach programs and initiatives this year, representing a 20 percent increase over 2008.
In all, more than 7,000 students interacted with the UAlbany NanoCollege throughout the year, including educational programs, workshops, seminars and conferences conducted by CNSE faculty, students and staff at off-site locations such as schools and museums throughout the Capital Region and across upstate New York.
In addition, a diverse group of partners and stakeholders representing the education, technology, business, government, community and non-profit sectors participated in educational and community outreach initiatives at CNSE’s Albany NanoTech Complex – the most advanced research enterprise in the academic world – as part of a unique effort to showcase the growing impact of nanotechnology on society and the global leadership of the UAlbany NanoCollege and New York State in nanoscale science and engineering.
Dr. Alain E. Kaloyeros, Senior Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of CNSE, said, “The UAlbany NanoCollege is delighted to provide pioneering educational and community outreach initiatives that support both the growing interest in nanotechnology, and the genuine enthusiasm for the recognized global leadership of CNSE and New York State in this emerging science. It is particularly exciting to introduce thousands of students to nanoscale science and engineering, which will enable unparalleled career opportunities and help ensure the development of an educated and skilled high-tech workforce to sustain further nanotechnology investment and growth in New York.”
CNSE’s educational outreach initiatives were highlighted by the inaugural Institute of Nanotechnology and Youth (“INTY”) Summer Workshop, which introduced at-risk students to nanotechnology; the “NanoHigh” program, a partnership with the City School District of Albany, which was completed by 18 Albany High School students and included the introduction of an advanced nanoscience course; educational forums targeting educators and administrators; four editions of the popular NanoCareer Day, which gave students at 40 schools an introduction to the exciting world of nanotechnology; and two week-long summer “NanoCamp” programs held in partnership with the Children’s Museum of Science and Technology in Troy.
Community outreach activities at CNSE included the month-long celebration of “NANOvember,” which attracted more than 3,000 attendees and featured CNSE Community Day, a series of Community Lectures, and the first-ever “Nano in the Mall” program at Crossgates Mall; CNSE’s fifth high-tech job fair in the past three years; a partnership with the Capital District Transportation Authority to place an educational nanotechnology display at the Rensselaer Rail Station; and hosting of the 2009 Capital Region Leadership Conference and the 2009 High School Achievers of Color Luncheon.