Keithley Instruments, Inc., a leader in solutions for emerging measurement needs, announces the availability of the Precision Sourcing and Measurement Resource Guide. This CD contains useful and informative sourcing and measurement resources, including application notes, articles, white papers, and product demonstrations, to help engineers reduce their cost of test by simplifying and solving the most challenging sourcing and measurement applications. The Precision Sourcing and Measurement Resource Guide is available free of charge at

The Precision Sourcing and Measurement Resource Guide gives test engineers a broad range of information on the latest sourcing and measurement techniques for a wide array of applications, including functional test, wafer level reliability, and production testing of electrical components. The CD contains over a dozen in-depth application notes covering topics such as on-the-fly Vth measurements for bias temperature instability characterization, increasing production throughput of multi-pin devices, and making precision pulse, current, and voltage measurements, as well as white papers on test sequencing instruments and introducing pulsing into reliability tests for CMOS technologies.