The NanoSteel® Company, a leader in nanostructured steel alloy surface technologies, announces the release of the company's first stick electrode, SHS 9700E, for weld overlay hardfacing applications.
SHS 9700E Stick Electrode Features nanoscale crystalline microstructure.
SHS 9700E, the newest addition to NanoSteel's patented portfolio of Super Hard Steel® (SHS) alloys, is a premium alloy that features an ultra refined, near nanoscale crystalline microstructure which results in very high hardness, up to 70 HRc, and exceptional resistance to abrasive wear.
Available in 10 and 50 lb. boxes and in bulk, SHS 9700E stick electrode is an easy to set up hardfacing alternative to MIG and Open-Arc wire applications with excellent weldability.
"We developed this product in direct response to the requests of our customers who use our SHS 9700 alloy in wire form but wish to have the convenience provided by a stick electrode," says Dave Paratore, president and CEO.