Arradiance today announced their powerful new GEMStar™ Benchtop Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) system timed with the start of the American Vacuum Society’s annual Atomic Layer Deposition Meeting in Seoul, Korea where Dr. Philippe de Rouffignac, Arradiance Principal Material Scientist, has been invited to speak on the topic, “ALD of SnO2 as the active component of a Plastic Microchannel‐Based Direct Fast Neutron Detector.”
The GEMStar, for which Arradiance has already received multiple orders from leading research centers, can be used to deposit thin layers of material on virtually any substrate and was designed with the most challenging high aspect ratio and through‐pore deposition applications in mind.
GEMStar Benchtop ALD
The GEMStar system packs the capability to process 6” wafers or solids up to 1” deep along with room for up to 8 precursors in a tiny 31”x 24” x 11” package without sacrificing maintainability or film quality. The system also features a port for optional in‐situ metrology, an optional nitrogen assist feature, capability of heated precursors and an inboard MFC valve. Arradiance’s robust and user‐friendly GEMFlow™ software and five pre‐qualified recipes come standard.
“From our work with sensitive, high aspect ratio microchannel structures, we became acutely aware of the need for a system in which we could repeatably and uniformly deposit complex nanolaminate films efficiently”, explains Dr. de Rouffignac. “We also realized from speaking to industry leaders that system size, price, flexibility in wafer dimensions and precursor availability are also key to the needs of the R&D market.”
Arradiance Chief Operating Officer, David Beaulieu, adds, “we learned from our own applications that design for uniformity and parametric control are the keys to developmental success. Our unique reactor, heated precursor manifold and multi‐channel gas delivery system, along with individual precursor heating controls give us the power and flexibility to handle any complex film.”