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MIT-Mount Sinai Team Receives Funding for Nanotechnology Research

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute is awarding an MIT-Mount Sinai Medical School team of researchers $16.4 million over the next five years to study new nanotechnology treatments for heart, lung and blood diseases.

The MIT-Mount Sinai collaboration is one of four teams to receive funding as part of a $65 million grant from the NHLBI to renew its Programs for Nanotechnology Research. In total, the grants will fund four teams spread across 17 institutions.

The goal of the program is to bring chemists, engineers and physical and material scientists together with physicians, biologists and clinical researchers from the heart, lung and blood research fields. These interdisciplinary teams will create nanotechnology solutions for projects such as detecting pulmonary infections and repairing heart tissue damage.

The MIT-Mount Sinai team is led by Institute Professor Robert Langer of MIT and Mount Sinai Professor Zahi Fayad. The group is focused on developing therapies for early- and late-stage cardiac disease, treatment for atherosclerotic plaque to prevent heart attack, and delivery of regeneration factors to repair heart tissue damaged by heart attack.


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