Fritz London Memorial Prize goes to Springer advisory board member

Springer advisory board member Vladimir V. Dmitriev, along with fellow scientists
Yuriy M. Bunkov and Igor A. Fomin, have been named winners of the 2008 Fritz
London Memorial Prize for their discovery and understanding of the "Phase
Coherent Spin Precession and Spin Superfluidity of 3He-B." The prize was
presented at the 25th International Conference on Low Temperature in Leiden,
The Netherlands, at the beginning of August 2008.
Vladimir V. Dmitriev started his career at the Kapitza Institute in Moscow
in the experimental group of Yu. Bunkov. He participated in the construction
of the nuclear cooling cryostat and was part of the experimental work which
led to the original discovery of the Homogeneously Precessing Domain state.
He is now the head of the Ultra Low Temperature group in the Kapitza Institute
and a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Dmitriev is a member of the advisory board of Springer’s Journal of Low
Temperature Physics. This renowned scientific journal serves as an international
medium for the publication of original papers, letters and articles on fundamental
theoretical and experimental research developments in all areas of cryogenics
and low temperature physics.
The Fritz London Memorial Prize is an international prize awarded once every
three years and was created to recognize scientists who have made outstanding
experimental and theoretical contributions to the field of low temperature physics.
The prize is named after the renowned theoretical physicist Fritz London (1900
– 1954).