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Nanotechnology-Based Thermal Insulation Paint Developed by Taiwan Entrepreneur

Alan Hsiung is a young entrepreneur in Taipei who loves exercising and interacting with other people. Every summer, though, he becomes particularly busy, from morning to night, taking care of many things, including answering phone calls, confirming details, scheduling work, and overseeing construction projects. In fact, from the moment he opens his eyes until the moment closes them, he is busy, and weekends and holidays are no exception.

Transportation companies use Heatax to paint the shells of various buses (PRNewsFoto/Heatax)

In the summer, when Hsiung's friends are lucky enough to reach him on the phone, they know he will always be busy. Over the past few years, Hsiung's friends have gradually come to the realization that when it comes to Hsiung and the summer, one thing is clear: He is definitely not a summertime friend!

Not a summertime friend? The simple truth is that Hsiung's best-selling products are most popular in the summertime, which means he often ends up exhausted at this particular time of year.

Years ago, Hsiung noticed that Taiwan is full of 30-to-40-year-old houses. In Taipei, for example, up to 40 percent of the homes are more than 30 years old. In addition, the current rate of urban renewal will likely never surpass the established existing housing. Therefore, one of the most economic and feasible ways to renovate these old houses is to transform them with paint.

Though the market is full of a wide range of functional coatings, Hsiung has chosen to focus on thermal insulation paint, with an emphasis on original technology, and he continues to challenge himself to produce the highest standard of thermal insulation paint in Taiwan.

In the beginning, Hsiung and his partners specialized in applied materials, and they worked together in the Industrial Technology Research Institute, which is Taiwan's high-tech hub. Unfortunately, the results they produced failed to meet expectations, and they were faced with increased competition from both imported and domestic products. At the time, many wanted to give up, especially after they had burned through the initial investment without producing any notable results. Hsiung, however, simply refused to give up. He had faith in Taiwan's R & D capabilities. And even though many of his colleagues around him chose to pursue PhDs instead, for six years Hsiung remained dedicated to one single mission: to make a long-lasting, high-performance thermal insulation paint named Heatax.

Heatax utilizes nanotechnology and polymer technology, which deliver stronger molecular cohesion. In specific, Heatax's nanotechnology helps to strengthen intermolecular forces, so the surface tension becomes stronger. This also greatly enhances the degree of weather-coating for higher durability. In addition, the ceramic hollow-thermal break particles deliver excellent insulation coating reflectivity for a better heat reflection rate. These particles also provide thermos-bottle-like characteristics by effectively blocking thermal conduction.

After Heatax was launched, word quickly spread among customers, agents, distributors, and even the media. Without any commercial publicity, Heatax still came to be widely hailed for having the highest "CP value" (cost-to-performance ratio) of all thermal insulation paints in Taiwan. Within a few short years, many of Taiwan's biggest companies, including the Taiwan Chinese Petroleum Corporation, United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), Formosa Plastics Corporation, and China Telecom, had become Hsiung's customers. Even Taiwan's long-standing Kou Guang Transportation Company has used Heatax to paint the shells of its buses.

To meet the demands of foreign customers, Heatax has achieved several certifications, including the United States' Intertek, Singapore's GreenLabel, mainland China's CMS, and Taiwan's SGS, among others.

Although many milestones have already been reached and some even surpassed, including making Heatax an affordable option for people to use in improving their own living spaces, Hsiung still has one important goal that he wishes to achieve: to spend a summer weekend at the beach with his friends!

For more Heatax information, please visit:

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