TESCAN, s.r.o. is Czech private company manufacturing scientific instruments and laboratory equipment. TESCAN was established by a group of experienced R&D workers of the former state company TESLA Brno" in summer 1991.
TESLA used to be the leading supplier of electron-optical devices and electronic measuring instruments in Eastern Europe and so TESCAN follows up with this activities taking advantage of the long-year-experience of the best specialists. The close co-operation with universities and scientific institutes is another strength of the company.
TESCAN was awarded (recognised) as an innovative company of the year in the Czech Republic of the year 1994. TESCAN succeeded in several research projects granted by European Community or Czech government (Copernicus, Technos, etc.).
In order to make use of the advantages of own mechanical workshop, TESCAN launched the machine tool manufacturing for German clients. This made possible to equip the workshop with new, high precision machinery. The position of the company strengthened in 1996 when TESCAN purchased own real property.
Currently TESCAN combines the experience of many years of the leading scientists and research technicians of the traditional Brno electron microscopy centre with the innovative and creative attitude of young, highly-educated people. It offers to the company TESCAN qualifications to bring the top level technical solutions in the branch of electron microscopy and through the satisfied customers’ public to keep holding its position among the leading groups and companies in the field of electron microscopy.
The first products of the company were the supplementary accessories for Scanning Electron Microscopes: Image Processors, Special Chambers, Detecting Systems, etc. Consequently TESCAN extended its activity in the field of Image Processing also in the light optical microscopy and special applications. TESCAN successfully finished also several custom projects of the development and prototype manufacturing of electronic circuits and software in the field of medical instruments and space research.
Founded in 1991 by a group of managers and engineers from Tesla with its electron microscopy history starting in the 1950’s, today TESCAN is a globally renowned supplier of Focused Ion Beam workstations, Scanning Electron Microscopes and Optical Microscopes. TESCAN’s innovative solutions and collaborative nature with its customers have won it a leading position in the world of nano- and microtechnology. The company is proud to participate in premier research projects with prominent institutions across a range of scientific fields. TESCAN provides its clients with leading-class products in terms of value, quality and reliability. TESCAN Group is the North American arm of TESCAN Group, a multinational company established by the merger of Czech company TESCAN, a leading global supplier of SEMs and Focused Ion Beam workstations, and the French company ORSAY PHYSICS, a world leader in customized Focused Ion Beam and Electron Beam technology.

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by TESCAN Group.
For more information on this source, please visit Tescan Group.