Videos | Nanoanalysis

Nanoanalysis Videos

Nanoanalysis Videos

Nanopositioning Automation Enables Progress in Silicon Photonics Component Test and Manufacture

Faster, more intelligent, parallel alignment algorithms working together with faster, more precise, parallel mechanisms and more powerful control electronics are required to reduce the production cost of silicon photonics components.

Cleaving and Scribing Reinvented at ISTFA 2015

An educational overview of LatticeGear and their products.

Weld, Solder, Cure or Sinter with SPOLD® LD Irradiation Light Source

Hamamatsu’s LD irradiation light source SPOLD®, has a laser beam condensed small spot which is so powerful that your materials will not only merge to perfection but also harden quickly.

Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscope from Carl Zeiss Images Zebrafish Heart

This video shows how the Carl Zeiss light sheet fluorescence microscope system images the heart of a 2-day old zebrafish over long periods of time, providing maximum frame rates with reduced light exposure.

The Contour GT Optical Profiler and AcuityXR Measurement Mode

Ross Smith from Bruker introduces us to the easy to operate Contour GT Optical/Surface Profilers.

ScanAsyst AFM Imaging Mode from Bruker AXS

This video shows the ScanAsyst atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging mode from Bruker AXS.

Tribology and Mechanical Testing Workshop at the University of Sheffield from Bruker Nano Surfaces

On May 22nd 2013 - AZo.TV attended the Tribology and Mechanical Testing Workshop by Bruker Nano-Surfaces at the University of Sheffield. Taking part in workshops and seminars with such experts as Steve Shaffer, PhD - senior applications scientist.

Mass Spectrometry Using a Magnetic Sector Instrument

An education video on Mass Spectrometry (MS) using a magnetic sector instrument from the Royal Society of Chemistry. From the Modern Instrumental Techniques for schools and colleges DVD.

Bruker AFM Probes

This video presentation discusses about the powerful diversity of the AFM (atomic force microscopy) probe from Bruker Nano Surfaces.

Electrochemical Strain Microscopy and the Cypher AFM from Asylum Research

Asylum Research introduced the Cypher AFM two years ago. They have now added a new technique called Electrochemical Strain Microscopy to its list of capabilities. Sergei Kalinin from Oak Ridge National Laboratory explains how this technique can be used to characterize electrochemical phenomena at the nanoscale and Roger Proksch from Asylum Research demonstrates how the system produces data and its relevance to the field of battery materials.

Validating Semiconductor Samples Using the FEI Phenom Electron Microscope

Reductions in production yields for semiconductor manufactures can be costly. Finding the defects to rectify the process and improve yields is a time consuming and expensive business, where samples must be repeatedly processed by mechanical or chemical means and then examined each time to see if the defect is in the examination area. Examinations were carried out using optical microscopes, but as these defects got smaller and smaller high resolution instruments were required. The FEI Phenom personal electron microscope now offers the optimal alternative, with rapid sample analysis, small size and reasonable price.

How does a Liposome HandExtruder Work?

How does a hand-powered liposome extruder work? The most important component is the membrane filter, which has defined pore sizes the liposomes travel through and become smaller.

Lightsheet Z.1 Fluorescence Microscope Images Marine Amphipod

This video from Carl Zeiss shows a live imaging of the marine amphipod Parhyale hawaiensis.

inSEM Mechanical Properties Measurement for SEM and FIB/SEM - Nanomechanics - MRS2012

Warren Oliver, President of Nanomechanics, gives AZoTV an introduction to Nanomechanics and their inSEM mechanical properties measurement tool at MRS Fall 2012 in Boston.

Leica's DCM 3D Surface Metrology Tool

The DCM 3D surface metrology tool from Leica features a confocal microscope and interferometer with LED illumination and CCD detector. The interferometer and confocal microscope have resolutions of 0.1nm and 3.5nm respectively.

High Resolution Bruker Diffractometer at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at University of Albany - SUNY

A Bruker AXS customer, the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at University of Albany - SUNY, appeared with their Bruker AXS instrumentation on Fox's NanoNow TV with Professor Richard Matyi, CNSE.

The Multiview AFM/Raman System from Nanonics Imaging

David Lewis from Nanonics Imaging Ltd shows us their Multiview Series of AFM/Raman systems that can be supplied with Renishaw or Horiba Raman systems. Nanonics can also supply the Multiview systems as upgrades to existing Raman systems of total systems.

Quantitative NMR (qNMR) — Nanalysis

While often overlooked, the inherently quantitative nature of NMR Spectroscopy is gaining increasing recognition in the field as a greener alternative to quantify a number of key parameters. Explore the latest in quantitative benchtop NMR assay development.

Typical Topographic Images of DPPC/DOPC Lipid bilayer

This video shows the typical topographic images of DPPC/DOPC (dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine/dioleoylphosphatidylcholine) supported lipid bilayers.

The Evactron Plasma Decontaminator

XEI Scientific manufactures the Evactron plasma decontamination systems.

User Guides of Genizer High Pressure Homogenizers

Experience the magic of this high-pressure homogenizer with a rare modular design, enabling efficient control of nanoparticles in liposomes, nano-emulsions, and beyond.

Nanospider Production Line NS 1WS500U from Elmarco

This video shows the operation of Nanospider Production Line NS 1WS500U from Elmarco.

Special Anniversary Section of PerkinElmer

This video shows a special anniversary section of PerkinElmer. The company celebrates the 75th year of the PerkinElmer brand.

The FEI Phenom Personal Electron Microscope Designed to Minimize Sample Charging

The FEI Phenom personal electron microscope has been designed to minimize the effects of sample charging in the electron microscope and produce optimal images from non-conductive samples. Reasons why charging occurs are outlined, as are techniques to avoid it.

Precision Motion and Automation Solutions at LASER Show | PI

Overview of motion technology demonstrations at PI's booth at 2019 LASER World of PHOTONICS conference

DNA Image at 1 F/S with Dimension FastScan

This video shows the DNA image taken in the tapping mode in the fluid at a rate of 1 frame per second using the Dimension FastScan atomic force microscope (AFM) from Bruker.

Possible AFM Modes and Their Nanomedicine Applications

This video presentation from Bruker Nano Surfaces shows the possible AFM (atomic force microscopy) modes and their nanomedicine applications.

Physical Adsorption for the Study of the Texture of Solid Surfaces - Micromeritics Webinar Part 3

Last part of a 3 part webinar by Micromeritics on physical adsorption. Physical adsorption is a technique used to characterize the surface and pore features of solids, that is, the materials texture. The adsorption isotherm generated by the Physical Adsorption technique enables one to characterize a solids' texture by determining its surface area, porosity, and total pore volume.

Use of AIST-NT AFM High-Speed Scanning of a Celgard Sample (15Hz)

The use of high-speed scanning on a Celgard sample (15Hz).

Advancing Semiconductor Progress with Nanopositioning and Nano-Automation Solutions

Capabilities, competencies, and the market knowledge required to address the challenges in semiconductor manufacturing and testing.

Innova-IRIS AFM-Raman System from Bruker Nano Surfaces

The Innova-IRIS system integrates a high-stability AFM platform with a top-of-the-line Raman spectrometer, allowing chemical or crystallographic information to be correlated with AFM topography.

Scan of Polysilicon with Dimension FastScan

This video shows a 2 µm x 2 µm, 512 pixel x 512 pixel image of Polysilicon obtained using Bruker’s Dimension FastScan atomic force microscope (AFM).

6-DOF Platform Stabilization with Gyroscope and Matlab Programmable Hexapod Stewart Platform

There are many optics and metrology related applications which require a stable work surface in an unstable environment, whether that environment is vibrating, in an aircraft, a vessel at sea or elsewhere.

Morphologi G3-ID from Malvern

This video introduces the Morphologi G3-ID particle characterisation system from Malvern Panalytical.

Cilas SafeAir Nanoparticle Monitoring System

Cilas SafeAir monitor nanoparticles environment real time workers exposure potentially harmful nanoparticles release of nanoparticles atmosphere environment manufacturing operation.

Studying Mechanics of Soft Materials with AFM

This video presentation from Bruker discusses the benefits and applications of AFMs in determining the local elastic properties of polystyrene and polyurethane polymers at the nanoscale.

Carl Zeiss ORION NanoFab - Introduction with Mohan Ananth

Dr Mohan Ananth, Senior Director of Marketing and Product Management with Carl Zeiss Microscopy, gives us an overview of the new ORION NanoFab product.

The Kitty Hawk of Nanotechnology

IBM Fellow Don Eigler gives a tour of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope lab, often called the "Kitty Hawk of nanotechnology." It was in this lab where, in 1989, Eigler was the first person ever to position individual atoms, spelling out IBM in xenon atoms.

Demonstration of Fast Scanning of Nanolithography Pattern on Ti Film

Video demonstration by AIST-NT. Local anodic oxidation on Ti film using the vector SPM nanolithography technique. Image size 3x3 µm, line height 3 nm, 400x400 points. The scanning rate is changing from 40 Hz down to 5 Hz.

Basic Setup and Applications of ISO and ASME Filtering Methods

This video presentation highlights the basic setup and applications of the ASME and ISO filtering methods (ASME B46.1 and ISO 4287, 4288) that are related to Bruker's stylus profilers.

Advanced NEXLINE® PiezoWalk® Motors from PI

This video shows the NEXLINE® PiezoWalk® motors, which offer high forces and nanometer precision motion with multiple operating modes. The multiple operating modes deliver optimized performance for speed, force, and holding force.

Nanotribometer from CSM Instruments - Features and Applications

Nicholas Randall from CSM Instruments introduces us to their latest nanotribometer which is a compact desktop model featuring improved applied load and tangential force sensors. It is suited to study tribology at the nanoscale.

Elevate Your Research with NanoGenizer: Accurate Sample Injection for Unparalleled Control

Experience the extraordinary with NanoGenizer, a remarkable lab instrument designed for precision and performance.

Hexapod Six DOF Positioning System - HexGen Video

Aerotech’s HEX500-350HL hexapod is ideal for applications in x-ray diffraction, sensor testing, high-force device manipulation, synchrotron sample or optics adjustment, semiconductor manufacturing and inspection, or satellite sensor testing.

Introduction to Scanning Thermal Microscopy - Part 2

This video presentation covers the basics of scanning thermal microscopy, a scanning probe-based measurement technique for mapping thermal properties of samples. SThM enables the measurement of temperature, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and other thermodynamic measurements with nanoscale resolution.

AFM Image Processing: Basic operations by AIST-NT

Video demonstration by AIST-NT on basic operations of AFM image processing.

Advantages of Portable Raman Spectroscopy

This video demonstrates the use and benefits of portable Raman spectroscopy in measuring a wide range of samples. It also explains the different sampling accessories used in the spectroscopy.

Sarfus Characterization on Nanometric Film Crystallisation

This video shows the characterization by the Sarfus technique of real-time crystallisation of 3nm-polyethylene oxyde (PEO, Mw 4kD) spin- coated on a standard Surf. At room temperature, crystallites are nucleating and growing progressively into a dendritic structure. Their average thicknesses (3 nanometer) are measured using 3D Sarfus plug-in.

ContourGT-K 3D Optical Microscope from Bruker

This video shows the ContourGT-K 3D optical microscope for high resolution surface metrology from Bruker Nano Surfaces.

Demonstration of AFM High Speed Scanning from 10Hz up to 60Hz by AIST-NT

Video demonstration by AIST-NT showing AFM scanning speed is being changed from 10Hz to 60Hz without any loss of quality!

Dynamic Image Analysis for Characterizing Irregularly Shaped Particles from Micromeritics

The dynamic image technique looks at particles in motion, providing additional critical information. Besides particle size, numerous shape parameters are obtained. As the images are taken, statistical data for all measurement parameters are calculated and recorded. At the same time, thumbnail images of each particle are saved for post-analysis viewing and screening.

Bruker Nano Surfaces Customer Care Centre - Interview with John L. Trahan

John L. Trahan, VP of Global Technical Support for Bruker Nano Surfaces talks to AZo.TV about the new European Customer Care Center in Karlsruhe, Germany.

HeLa Cells Imaged Using Axio Vert.A1 Microscope

This video from Carl Zeiss shows a 10x magnification phase contrast of HeLa cells.

Detection of Trace Explosives with Laser Excitation

Detection of Trace Explosives with Laser Excitation

The IBIS Nanoindentation System from Fischer-Cripps Laboratories

Tony Fischer-Cripps explains what nanoindentation is and shows us the IBIS Nanoindentation system.

SPECS FE-LEEM P90 - Demonstration at emc 2012

Andreas Thissen from SPECS talks to AZoTV at emc2012

ScanAsyst Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging Mode from Bruker

This video shows the ScanAsyst atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging mode with automatic image optimization technology for use in Bruker’s premium AFM microscopes.

Diamond Interaction Cavity The Core of Homogenization Technology

The diamond interaction chamber is a new generation of ultra-high pressure homogenization chamber. It features a modular design, fixed internal shape, no moving parts, and does not require adjustments to the valve clearances like homogenization valves.

Saturn DigiSizer II High-Definition Digital Particle Size Analyzer - Micromeritics Webinar

Utilizing a state-of-the-art CCD detector containing over 3.4 million detector elements, Mie theory, and unique design and data reduction features, the Micromeritics' Saturn DigiSizer II provides an extremely high level of resolution and sensitivity not available in other laser particle sizing systems.

Angela Merkel visit to Max-Delbrück-Center from JPK Instruments

This video from JPK Instruments shows Chancellor Angela Merkel visit to the Max-Delbrück-Center for molecular medicine in Berlin.

10nm Silver Nanoparticles Imaged Moving under Brownian Motion

The video clips shows 10nm silver particles moving under Brownian motion as seen by the NanoSight LM20. The technique looks at the rate of Brownian motion and relates the speed of movement to particle size with smaller particles having a more exaggerated Brownian motion.

Light Sheet Microscope from Carl Zeiss Images Live Embryos

This video from Carl Zeiss shows the benefits of utilizing the first light sheet microscope system designed to capture fluorescently labeled live embryos.

AIST-NT Demonstrate High-Speed TERS Imaging

For the first time, deep sub-diffraction-limit Tip Enhanced Raman (TERS) imaging has been demonstrated at a speed comparable to that of high-quality AFM imaging.

Demonstration of AFM High Speed Scanning at 70Hz by AIST-NT

Video demonstration by AIST-NT on AFM High Speed Scanning at 70Hz.

Nanospider Production Line NS 8S1600U from Elmarco

This video shows the operation of Nanospider Production Line NS 8S1600U from Elmarco.

Physical Adsorption for the Study of the Texture of Solid Surfaces - Micromeritics Webinar Part 1

Part 1 of a 3 part webinar by Micromeritics on physical adsorption. Physical adsorption is a technique used to characterize the surface and pore features of solids, that is, the materials texture. The adsorption isotherm generated by the Physical Adsorption technique enables one to characterize a solids' texture by determining its surface area, porosity, and total pore volume.

Stensborg, Supporting STEM Innovators of Tomorrow

Give your students the tools to be the next generation of STEM innovators; we’ve made it smarter and easier than ever

How to Set Up Your NanoGenizer

So, you've purchased a NanoGenizer and now you need to get ready to process samples. We're here to help.

Total Release Method for FIB Lift-Out from Omniprobe

The Total Release method for FIB lift-out from Omniprobe has many distinct features for high-throughput TEM sample preparation. This method needs a minimal ion milling for sample excise and transports the sample safely and reliably.

Field of View from A Laser Scanner System

Aerotech's Infinite Field of View software feature solves these problems without compromising on field-of-view OR spot size.

Scan of Celgard with Dimension FastScan

This video demonstrates a 1 µm, 23 Hz, scan of freshly prepared Celgard with perpendicular mesh orientation using Bruker’s Dimension FastScan atomic force microscope (AFM).

Electron Microscope So Easy to Use a Child Could Do It

The Phenom from FEI is a high resolution desktop imaging tool with an optical camera for never-lost navigation and a high quality electron microscope for detailed imaging. Its innovative user interface and intuitive touch screen control produce superb quality images with minimal operator training. The video presentation perfectly illustrates the ease of use with young school children being given the chance to operate the microscope themselves and investigate the world of the supersmall.

Bruker Nano Surfaces Customer Care Centre - Interview with Venkata Reddy Mukku

Venkata Reddy Mukku, Service Manager for Europe, the Middle East and Africa at Bruker Nano Surfaces, talks to AZo.TV about the new European Customer Care Center in Karlsruhe.

Force-Induced Rupture of RBCs Using Optical Tweezers from JPK Instruments

This video shows the rupture of red blood cell (RBC) using optical tweezers from JPK Instruments. A RBC is captured between two traps, 'Force Spectroscopy' mode of the NanoTracker optical tweezers are used to tear the cell into two parts.

C2C12 Stem Cell Migration on Glass Surface

This video from Bruker Nano surfaces shows the phase data of lamellopodia expanding via Actin Cytoskeleton polymerization in the direction of motion.

High Performance Servo Motion Controller Adapts to Different Loads ServoBoost™

ServoBoost™ is a real-time automatic adaption to load changes for ACS motion controllers: The video shows how an ACS motion controller with ServoBoost™ automatically maintains the performance and stability of a high-precision motion stage despite a significant load changes.

HandGenizer High Pressure Homogenizer Introduction

The manual high-pressure homogenizer is used for testing fat emulsions, liposomes, nanosuspensions, microemulsions, laboratory-prepared lipid microspheres, nanoemulsions, dairy products, and cell disruption, up to a working pressure of 30000Psi/2200 Bar.

Ultrasonic Transducers: Using Industrial Ultrasound for Distance Control, Structural Monitoring and Object Recognition – Advanced Piezoelectric Design

Ultrasound can be used for industrial inspection and automation - the technology is similar to the one know from medical ultrasonic imaging.

Lightsheet Z.1: Light Sheet Microscope System from Carl Zeiss

This video from Carl Zeiss shows how the light sheet microscope system from Carl Zeiss captures the complete development of a Drosophila melanogaster embryo with reduced light exposure, imaging the whole embryo volume within a matter of minutes.

EDS Analysis Using AztecEnergy

This video shows a 7 min, end-to-end demonstration of energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis performed using AZtecEnergy from Oxford Instruments. AZtecEnergy is a flexible and powerful EDS system offering rapid, accurate and high resolution results.

Voice Coil Z-Autofocus Motor Improves Performance of Laser Processing, Wafer Surface Metrology

A high performance voice-coil driven nanopositioning slide for high speed precision laser processing and surface metrology applications in industrial automation. Applications of fast focus motor drives include laser drilling, laser ablation on the micromachining end of the spectrum and nano-precision, surface profiling, semiconductor metrology and wafer inspection.

How to Adjust AFM Feedback Parameters by AIST-NT

Video demonstration by AIST-NT showing how to adjust AFM feedback parameters.

Scan of Diffraction Grating with Dimension FastScan

This video illustrates a 180 nm, 30 µm, 11 Hz, scan of diffraction grating taken with Bruker’s Dimension FastScan atomic force microscope (AFM).

SKYSCAN In Vivo X-Ray Microtomograph from Bruker

In this video Mat Brevard, Vice President –Bruker Preclinical Imaging talks about the newly introduced SKYSCAN 1176 high resolution microtomograph.

Cascade Filtration of Blood Plasma

This video produced by Merkator for RUSNANO shows the medical technology for cascade filtration of blood plasma. Plasma cascade filtration is a high-tech method of cleansing blood, which makes it possible to selectively remove only viruses and harmful proteins.

Trapping of Yeast Cells Using NanoTracker Optical Tweezers from JPK Instruments

This video shows the trapping of yeast cell using NanoTracker optical tweezers from JPK instruments.

Introducing EM 40

Introducing EM 40

Precision Z-Autofocusing with Fast Nanopositioning Objective Z Focus Voice Coil Motor Enables Super Resolution Microscopy, Deep Tissue Analysis and Genome Sequencing

This fast, ultra-precise nano-focusing stage with voice coil motor enables advancements in high resolution 2 photon fluorescence microscopy, image stack acquisition, genome sequencing, digital slide scanning and deep tissue analysis.

Delong America's LVEM5 Benchtop TEM

Jared Lapkovsky from Delong America shows us the LVEM5, which is the only benchtop TEM on the market.

IBM Research's NanoMRI Microscope

IBM Research scientists, in collaboration with the Center for Probing the Nanoscale at Stanford University, have demonstrated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with volume resolution 100 million times finer than conventional MRI. This result, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), signals a significant step forward in tools for molecular biology and nanotechnology by offering the ability to study complex 3D structures at the nanoscale.

Malvern Instruments Offers Parsum In-Line Particle Size Analyzer

This video shows Parsum, an in-line particle size analyzer from Malvern Panalytical that measures particle size of powders, liquids and sprays accurately and reliably.

Piezoelectric Motors – Ultrasonic Motors, PiezoWalk Motors, Resonant Motors, Stick/Slip Inertia Motors: How Do They Work?

Piezoelectric motors can solve critical precision motion problems often better than competing technologies such as linear motors

Recent Advances in AFM for Microbiological Research

This presentation discusses the latest advancements in Bruker’s atomic force microscopy (AFM) modes, techniques and technology for novel microbiological research.

Demonstration of MagicScan Technology by AIST-NT - 12 Microns Scan Area

Video demonstration of MagicScan Technology by AIST-NT. AFM image of Test Grating (3 microns pitch, 25 nm height), semicontact AFM mode, probe resonance frequency - 500 kHz, 12?12 microns scan area, 300x300 points. Scan rate increases from 3 to 30 lines per second.

Detecting Hazardous Materials Using TacticID Handheld Instrument

This video shows B&W Tek’s TacticID handheld spectral analysis instrument that delivers latest technology for identifying chemicals, explosives, and narcotics in the palm of your hand.

MERLIN Scanning Electron Microscope by Carl Zeiss

This video from Carl Zeiss shows the AFM system, which is ready in a matter of minutes to provide atomic surface topographical resolution in 3D.

Carl Zeiss Microscopy Presents Contextual Imaging Tool, SmartBrowse

This video from Carl Zeiss shows a contextual imaging tool called SmartBrowse, which can be used for post-image acquisition. The tool can present images taken with numerous detectors at varied magnifications in a single, interactive image.

Consecutive Images of Lipid Bilayer at 0.5 f/s

This video shows the consecutive AFM (atomic force microscopy) height images (image size = 3µm; z-scale = 3.2nm) of the lipid bilayer captured at 0.5 f/s with 20x50 frames using TappingMode and Dimension FastScan Bio AFM from Bruker Nano Surfaces.

Carl Zeiss Offers Axio Scan.Z1 Digital Slide Scanner

This video shows Carl Zeiss’ Axio Scan.Z1 Digital Slide Scanner, which provides a fast, reliable and reproducible way to produce virtual slides of high quality.

Active Optics - Fast Steering Mirror Platform (FSM) | S-335 Pieoz Flexure Scanner

FSM - Fast Steering Mirror Platform - S-335. Piezo flexure tip/tilt platforms provide fast response, high resolution and stability - ideal prerequisites for fast steering mirror applications (FSM) and dynamic operation in scanning, tracking and image stabilizing.

Formation of Lipid Bilayer - A Video by Farfield Group

This video shows the deposition of liposomes on to the surface of an optical chip and their subsequent rupture and merger to form a lipid bilayer. Protein molecules then embed and float in the surface of the bilayer. This is an excerpt from a video that iemedia solutions produced for the Scientific Instrumentation Division of the Farfield Group to illustrate the measurement capabilities of their Dual Polarisation Interferometry technology.

Molecular Binding - Farfield Group Video Illustrating Measurement Capabilities of DPI Technology

This video shows the binding of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) protein molecules to BS3 adhering to the surface of an optical chip and the subsequent binding of another protein to the antigen binding sites on the arms of each IgG molecule. This is an excerpt from a video that iemedia solutions produced for the Scientific Instrumentation Division of the Farfield Group to illustrate the measurement capabilities of their Dual Polarisation Interferometry technology.

Simulation of Fiber Optic Array Alignment

Using Aerotech's A3200 controller, users are able to automatically align multichannel optical devices for assembly.

Structure and Function of the Electron Microscope

A video showing the structure and function of the transmission electron microscope. It details all the different compartments of the transmission electron microscope and the theory and principle of the transmission electron microscope generate its images of various samples. A very detail and precise demonstration.

Micromeritics Analytical Services - The Particle Testing Authority by Micromeritics

Micromeritics Analytical Services - The Particle Testing Authority specializes in the characterization of fine powders and solid materials. Specifically we are experienced in providing particle size analysis, surface area and gas adsorption services, pore size and pore volume measurements, density determinations, and chemical adsorption services. We are a DEA-licensed, FDA-registered, cGMP/GLP-compliant contract analytical laboratory.

'The Complete Tribology Lab' - The New UMT from Bruker

Bruker's UMT Universal Mechanical Tester. The UMT is the "complete tribology lab" and provides macro, micro and nanoscale tests under real-world conditions. Talking to Bruker's Steve Shaffer and University of Sheffield's Mark Rainforth, they discuss the ease of use and the typical applications of the UMT.

Dimension FastScan with ScanAsyst AFM Imaging Mode

This video from Bruker illustrates the working principle of the Dimension FastScan atomic force microscope (AFM) with ScanAsyst and unattended high-speed imaging on a variety of samples.

How to Adjust Scanner Sensors by AIST-NT

Video demonstration by AIST-NT showing how to adjust scanner sensors.

Lightsheet Z.1 Microscope Images Drosophila Melanogaster Embryo

This video from Carl Zeiss shows a 3D representation of reconstructed Multiview recordings of a Drosophila embryo expressing fluorescently tagged BAC clone (GFP).

An Interview with Dr Mark Munch - Leading the Way for the AFM Industry

Dr Mark Munch, President of Bruker Nano Surfaces, talks to Will Soutter about the challenges and opportunities for AFM research at the Seeing at the Nanoscale event in Bristol.

Ultrahigh Resolution Imaging and Mechanical Mapping of Bacteriorhodopsin

This video describes the Nano Letters paper on the high speed atomic force miscroscopy (AFM) imaging and mechanical mapping of purple-membrane (bacteriorhodopsin) with Bruker’s Dimension FastScan and ultra low amplitude Peak Force Tapping.

MRS Fall Meeting 2012, Boston - Exhibitor Interviews and Product Demos with AZoTV

This playlist contains all of AZoTV's interviews with exhibitors at the MRS Fall Meeting 2012 at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, Massachusetts. These videos give a fantastic overview of the impressive array of equipment on show at the exhibit from some of the top names in materials science.

Trends in Gas Chromatography

Trends in Gas Chromatography

High Speed AFM Performance on Three Qualification Samples

This video shows the high speed performance of the atomic force microscope (AFM) from Bruker on the three qualification samples. The tip-check, Celgard and calibration grating are the three standard samples.

NanoSpectralyzer - For Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Characterization

Applied NanoFluorescence, LLC President, Dr. R. Bruce Weisman talks about his award-winning nanotechnology instrumentation company.

CellHesion 300 - Understanding Biomechanics

Bruker BioAFM introduces the CellHesion 300 - a powerful machine that will unlock the mysteries of biomechanics.

Using the Nanosight NS500 to Image and Size Viruses

This short video shows how the Nanosight NS500 system can be used to image and size viruses in real time with no sample preparation. Measurements can also be verified by video footage, taking only minutes to complete.

Animation of JPK BioMAT workstation design

This video shows the BioMAT™ workstation from JPK Instruments. This workstation is designed to study the opaque samples using both optical microscopy and atomic force microscopy.

Creating Libraries for Morphologi G3-ID Instrument

This video shows how Malvern Panalytical Morphologi G3-ID instrument uses libraries from known candidate materials for chemical differentiation between particles.

Measuring Zeta Potential of Nanoparticles with the Zetasight from Nanosight

Jeremy Warren from Nanosight shows us to their new system for measuring zeta potential of nanoparticles. The Zetasight is able to measure zeta potential of each individual nanoparticle as well as being able to produce detailed particle size distribution data.

Correlative Particle Analyzer from Carl Zeiss

This video shows the advanced Correlative Particle Analyzer from Carl Zeiss.

Axio Vert.A1 Microscope Images HeLa Cells

This video from Carl Zeiss shows a 20x magnification phase contrast of HeLa cells.

Atomic Force Microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy Applications

This webinar from Nano Surfaces Division, Bruker, examines the applications of co-localized atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Raman spectroscopy. It also covers the tip enhanced Raman scattering (TERS).

Polydisperse TiO2 in Water

This video shows the clear polydispersity of titanium dioxide (TiO2) in water using NS500 instrument from NanoSight.

Hysitron PI 95 Picoindenter Performing Nanomechanical Test on CdS in a TEM

Direct observation of a Hysitron PI 95 Picoindenter performing a nanomechanical test on cadmium sulfide (CdS) in a transmission electron microscope (TEM).

Bruker's Innova-IRIS AFM-Raman Solution at Nanoscale 2012

This video shows Thomas Mueller of Bruker Nano Surfaces introducing the Innova-IRIS system for correlated atomic force microscopy and Raman spectroscopic imaging at the Nanoscale 2012 conference in Bristol, UK.

Demonstration of AFM Image Processing - FFT

Video demonstration by AIST-NT on AFM image processing using FFT method.

The Revolutionary Phenom Personal Electron Microscope

Whether you need to analyze particles or powders, materials or pharmaceuticals, the FEI Phenom personal electron microscope is a revolution in scanning electron microscopy. Combining simple sample loading, immediate imaging and automated image control, the FEI Phenom personal electron microscope makes an ideal addition to your lab.

Bruker Nano Surfaces European Applications Centre - Interview with Klaus Pross

Klaus Pross, Sales manager for Germany, Austria and Switzerland at Bruker Nano Surfaces talks to AZo.TV about the new European Application Center in Karlsruhe.

Shuttle & Find: Correlative Microscopy Solutions from Carl Zeiss

This video from Carl Zeiss shows how the optical contrasting methods and information about colour, size and morphology obtained by the light microscope can be combined with the analytical methods of the electron microscope.

Analysis of Polystyrene Standards with NanoSight NTA

This video shows the NanoSight NTA software analyzing a 100nm Polystyrene sample.

Direct Drive Linear Translation Stages and Linear Motors for High Performance Motion Control and Precision Automation in Industry and Research

Direct Drive Linear Motors and Rotary Motors Play a Critical Role in precision motion control applications in industry and research.

Scratch Tests on Coatings

This video presentation from Bruker explains different scratch tests performed on the coatings for determining the adhesion properties.

Lightsheet Z.1 Fluorescence Microscope Images Zebrafish Embryo from any Angle

This video from Carl Zeiss shows how the coverslip-free sample preparation for the Lightsheet Z.1 fluorescence microscope provides a distinct prospect of viewing the sample from any angle.

Bruker Nano Surfaces European Applications Centre - Interview with Jim Flach

Jim Flach, Director of European Sales at Bruker Nano Surfaces, talks to AZo.TV about the new European Applications Center in Karlsruhe.

W130i Dynamic Light Scattering System from Avid Nano

This video shows the versatile W130i from Avid Nano, a high sensitivity dynamic light scattering system for size and molecular weight measurement of proteins, bio-molecules and sub-micron particles.

Demonstration of 30 Second EDS Analysis Using AztecEnergy

This video demonstrates complete energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis in 30 seconds using AztecEnergy from Oxford Instruments Nanoanalysis. AztecEnergy delivers correct results within few seconds in the MiniQuant viewer. The accurate results can be emailed directly from Aztec interface.

Dynamics of CM15 Antimicrobial Activity on Outer Membrane of E. coli Cells

This video shows the CM15 antimicrobial activity on the nanoscale structure of E. coli bacterial cell membrane.

Fast and Accurate Surface Metrology with 3D Microscopes

In this video presentation, scientists from Bruker Nano Surfaces discuss factors that determine the speed and accuracy of surface metrology and new advances in metrology solutions to address the time-to-good-data challenge.

Mountains Map 6 Software for Texture and Roughness Analysis from Digital Surf

Digital Surf have released the latest version of the texture and roughness analysis software, Mountains Map 6. This software package is suited to instruments such as optical profilometers, confocal microscopes, scanning probe and atomic force microscopes and can deal with samples as large as automotive panels down to AFM size of just a few microns. The latest version of Mountain Map has new features such as phase overlay and 64-bit compatibility for accelerated analysis.

Exhibitor Information for Pittcon 2014

Why should you exhibit at Pittcon 2014? This new exhibitor video will tell you what to expect from next year's Pittcon event in Chicago, Illinois, March 2-6 2014.

Physical Adsorption for the Study of the Texture of Solid Surfaces - Micromeritics Webinar Part 2

Part 2 of a 3 part webinar by Micromeritics on physical adsorption. Physical adsorption is a technique used to characterize the surface and pore features of solids, that is, the materials texture. The adsorption isotherm generated by the Physical Adsorption technique enables one to characterize a solids' texture by determining its surface area, porosity, and total pore volume.

The Malvern Instruments Mastersizer 3000 Particle Size Analyzer

Julie Chen from Malvern Panalytical gives us a tour of the new Mastersizer 3000 particle size analyzer. She outlines the upgrades from the previous generation Mastersizer 2000.

JPK NanoWizard AFM - Tip Scanner vs. Sample Scanner

This video shows the benefits of the NanoWizard®II atomic force microscope (AFM) from JPK Instruments.

Microscope Tracks Nanoparticles in 3-D

A clever new microscope design allows nanotechnology researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to track the motions of nanoparticles in solution as they dart around in three dimensions.

Industrial Dosing, Digital Printing, Ultrafast Nanoliter Dispensing Enabled by Reliable Piezoelectric Transducers

Piezoelectric transducers can generate very small droplets with extreme speed and precision - ideal for high-performance, high throughput industrial ink-jet digital printing.

NanoGenizer's Custom Injection Methods

Meet NanoGenizer, the expert's choice for versatile sample handling.

Axio Examiner Microscope from Carl Zeiss Images Rat Embryonic Fibroblast

This video from Carl Zeiss shows the rat embryonic fibroblast cyclic stretched on PDMS-substrate at an amplitude of 8% and at 0.5 Hz.

Professor Dr. John Volckens On The New Thermophoretic Sampler

An informative discussion on the new RJ Lee Group thermophorphic sampler (TPS) by Colorado State University Associate Professor Dr. John Volckens.

World's Most Powerful Microscope

Lawrence Berkeley National Labs just turned on a $27 million electron microscope. Its ability to make images to a resolution of half the width of a hydrogen atom makes it the most powerful microscope in the world.

Gantry Stages – Advanced Motion Control Algorithm Provides XY-Theta Control for Gantry Systems to Improve Accuracy and Throughput in Industrial Applications

Active Yaw Control with Gantry XY and XYZ stages allows for error compensation with better straightness and orthogonality.

Overview of Nanosurf's NaioAFM System

This video provides an overview of the features and handling of the NaioAFM system. Nanosurf's NaioAFM is a compact atomic force microscope developed for nanoeducation and small sample measurements. The NaioAFM is easy-to use, has a small footprint, and comes with a price tag that fits all budgets.

Introduction to Scanning Thermal Microscopy - Part 1

This video presentation covers the basics of scanning thermal microscopy, a scanning probe-based measurement technique for mapping thermal properties of samples. SThM enables the measurement of temperature, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and other thermodynamic measurements with nanoscale resolution. This material is copyrighted by PicoCal, Inc.

Nanoscale Analysis of Viruses and Viral Aggregates with Nanosight's NTA

Nanosight's Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis technology can be used to characterize viral particles in vaccines.

PilotGenizer High Pressure Homogenizer Introduction and Operation

The pilot high pressure homogenizer in PilotGenizer is mainly composed of a high pressure homogenization chamber and a pressurization mechanism. Under the action of the pressurization mechanism, the high-pressure solution quickly passes through the homogenization chamber.

Basics of Tribology from Bruker

This seminar video from Bruker provides an overview of important tribological considerations such as contact stresses, material compatibility, surface roughness, etc. required for designing or manufacturing products, or designing of tribology experiments.

Carl Zeiss’ Lightsheet Z.1 Microscope Images Zebrafish Embryo

This video from Carl Zeiss shows how the 2-day old zebrafish was imaged from four angles and then reconstructed by employing Multiview registration and fusion software. The fish expresses Tg (Bactin:H2A-mCherry) in the nuclei. The green channel represents autofluorescence.

Visualization of Nanoparticles

This video shows the visualization of the light scattered by nanoparticles using NS500 and NTA software from Nanosight.

New Thermo Scientific iXR Raman Spectrometer for Multi-Modal Analysis

This video shows Scott Ellis, Marketing Manager for Molecular Spectroscopy at Thermo Scientific describes about the new Thermo Scientific iXR Raman Spectrometer that helps material scientists and engineers to accelerate their understanding of new materials.

Particle Size Anlaysis and Morphology Determined Using Scanning Electron Microscopy

In this interview the importance of particle size and morphology to a range of industries is explained. Traditionally, you would need a particle size analyzer and a scanning electron microscope to determine the particle size distribution and morphology respectively. However, now, the FEI Phenom personal electron microscope combined with off the shelf software is able to accomplish both these tasks.

Aggregation of 60nm Gold Colloids Imaged Using the Nanosight LM20

This video shows the aggregation of 60nm gold colloid as seen through the NanoSight LM20.

Introduction to the Phenom Desktop SEM from Phenom-World

The Phenom desktop SEM combines superb imaging power up to 100,000x and outstanding technical performance with better depth of focus and chemical contrast.

Time-Lapse AFM Images of DPPC/DOPC Lipid Bilayers

This video shows the time-lapse AFM (atomic force microscopy) images of DOPC/DPPC (dioleoylphosphatidylcholine/dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine) supported planar lipid bilayers.

Optical Profiler - The ContourGT-X8 from Bruker

Eric Rufe from Bruker Nano Surfaces shows us their ContourGT-X8 optical profiler. It is effectively a 3-dimensional microscope and features the 10th generation of this technology.

The FEI Phenom Personal Electron Microscope as A Teaching Tool at NCSU

The compact size and ease of use have enabled staff at NCSU to take the FEI Phenom personal electron microscope out of the dedicated research labs and bring it into the teaching environment.

NMR Spectrometer picoSpin 80 from Thermo Scientific

In this video Mark Dixon, NMR Product Marketing Manager from Thermo Scientific introduces picoSpin 80 NMR Spectrometer.

Pittcon 2012 - The Largest Annual Laboratory Science Event in the World

Pittcon is the world's largest annual conference for laboratory science. The 2012 event will attract over 950 equipment manufacturers, distributors and service providers from 30 countries. The technical program will also include over 2000 sessions covering over 60 topics.

Interpet Particle Sizer Results: Learn About the Data Sheet

You've tested run your samples through the particle sizer and now you need to evaluate the results!

Nanoscope Peers Beyond Limits of Light

A video clip showing the use of the latest light microscope, the nanoscope, which has many applications in nanomaterials and studies within biological systems. Sample can be viewed as small as 100nm with high resolution. The nanoscope allows the ability to visuallize the structure and shape of the material even if cannot be seen.

The Science of Liposomes: Insights, Equipment, and Applications

In this informative video, we delve deep into the fascinating world of liposomes, versatile lipid-based vesicles that hold immense potential in various scientific fields. Join us as we explore the basics of liposomes, their structure, and how they are used in cutting-edge research.

Measuring and Counting Nanoparticles with the Nanosight NS500

This short video demonstrates how the Nanosight NS500 system visualizes and measures nanoparticles in suspension in real time, with little or no sample preparation. The NS500 is able to measure and count individual nanoparticles as well as calculating particle size distributions, with video footage to back up the measurements.

Measurements of Protein and Polymer Microrheology Using Zetasizer Nano ZSP

This video illustrates how microrheology measurements of proteins and polymers are taken on the Zetasizer Nano ZSP with advanced software from Malvern Panalytical.

Demonstration of MagicScan Technology by AIST-NT

Video demonstration of MagicScan Technology by AIST-NT. AFM image of Test Grating (3 microns pitch, 25 nm height), semicontact AFM mode, probe resonance frequency - 500 kHz, 30x30 microns scan area, 400x400 points. Scan rate increases from 2 to 20 lines per second.

Introduction to the InSEM from Nanomechanics

This animated video gives an introduction to the InSEM from Nanomechanics, for in-situ mechanical measurements inSEM & FIB/SEM.

Cantiliver Tip used to Map Magnetic Regions of Garnet Film.

The cantilever tip is coated with a magnetic strip and is being used to locate the the magnetic region of the garnet film.

AZo2Bruker - Grand Opening of Bruker Nano Surfaces Customer Facilities

AZo.TV visited the Bruker Nano Surfaces headquarters in Karlsruhe, Germany, for the grand opening of their new European Customer Care Centre and Application Centre.

Demonstration Video: Phenom ProX at Pittcon 2013

In this video, Emile Asselbergs, CEO Phenom World talks about the Phenom pro X Desktop SEM from Phenom-World BV at Pittcon 2013.

AURIGA Compact FIB-SEM by Carl Zeiss

This video shows the high-tech AURIGA Compact FIB-SEM. Users can leverage the Carl Zeiss CrossBeam technology and blend high resolution imaging with the milling performance of the focused ion beam.


This high-pressure homogenizer features a rare modular design for efficient nanoparticle control in liposomes, nano-emulsions, and more.

Application of Raman Spectrometer in Alcohol Measurement

This video demonstrates alcohol measurement using a Raman spectrometer and also describes various real-life scenarios in which the spectrometer can be used to ensure safe consumption of alcohol.

Demonstration of ContourGT Optical Profiler with AcuityXR Technology from Bruker

Chris Orsulak from Bruker shows us the ContourGT Optical Profiler, which is a white light interferometric optical profiler.

Micromeritics Webinar:

Unlike many particle sizing techniques, electrical sensing zone (Coulter principle) data are unaffected by samples composed of particles having an assortment of optical properties, densities, and shapes. Size distribution is determined by analyzing, one at a time, each particle from a representative subset of the introduced sample quantity.

Q-821 Q-Motion® Miniature SpaceFAB Robot from PI

This video features the Q-821 Q-Motion® Miniature SpaceFAB Robot from Physik Instrumente (PI). Equipped with Piezo-Motorized Inertia Drive, the Q-821 is a compact six-axis microrobotics system with a 1 nm sensor resolution.

The Analaysis of Fibres Using the FEI Phenom Personal Scanning Electron Microscope

Fibre analysis is of use to many industries such as the filtration industry. Previously it was carried out using a light microscopes. Smaller fibres required higher resolution instruments for accurate analysis. The FEI Phenom personal electron microscope provides the ideal alternative proving the required resolution at a fraction of the cost of a traditional scanning electron microscope (SEM), as well as offering faster analysis and ease of operation.

Materials Characterization with the NanoIR from Analsys Instruments

Curt Marcott from Light Light Solutions tells us how the NanoIR from Anasys Instruments has opened up new possibilities in materials characterization. Combining AFM and IR spectroscopy provides spatial resolution an order of magnitude better than conventional IR, which enables researchers to do such things as examine nanoparticles in a matrix, or analyze for compositions differences across in interface.

Advances and Applications in Electrochemical AFM

This video features a presentation by Bruker that discusses the recent advances and applications of the electrochemical atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques.

Nanoparticle Analysis - Imaging of Nanoparticles Moving in Brownian Motion

100+200nm polystyrene particles moving under Brownian motion as seen by the NanoSight LM20.

PI Provides Comprehensive Solutions for Photonics and Fiber Alignment

This video shows PI Solutions developed for photonics alignment/fiber alignment. PI offers a range of solutions for photonics and fiber alignment applications. The systems provide multi-channel alignment and offer fast alignment times.

Inovenso - Electrospinning Starter Kit

Inovenso presents the Electrospinning Starter Kit, a budget-friendly, compact and easy-to-use device.

Mass Spectrometer - How A Mass Spectrometer Works

A short video showing how a mass spectrometer works and how it can be used to identify elements in the blood.

Video to Show Virtual Pivot Point Kinematics

Using the ROTATION command, a user can program offsets based on their desired rotation point and associate different axes of motion with specific rotations within the motion system.

Bruker's Dimension FastScan AFM at Nanoscale 2012

In this video, Samual Lesko, European Applications Lab Manager at Bruker Nano Surfaces, illustrates the ultimate performance of the Dimension FastScan atomic force microscope (AFM) at Nanoscale 2012 conference.

Bruker’s Range of Analytical Tools for SEM

In this video Dr. Jana Bergholtz, Application Scientist EDS, Bruker Nano talks about the new variety of choice in instrumentation by expanding its portfolio of high-performance analytical tools for materials characterization in electron microscopes.

Aggregation of 60nm Gold Colloids Imaged Using the Nanosight LM20 - 2

This video shows the aggregation of 60nm gold colloid as seen through the NanoSight LM20.

Video to Show Automated Alignment Algorithms

Using analog voltage feedback, the controller monitors power levels and associates them with a specific position, and sets the final position of the motion at the highest power point based on user-defined parameters.

Time Series of CM15 Antimicrobial Activity on Live E. coli Cells

This video shows the time series of CM15 antimicrobial activity on live E. coli cells.

3View Technology: Fast and Convenient 3D Imaging for Tissue Samples

This video shows a webinar on SBF-SEM - Serial Block Face 3D imaging in the FE-SEM with 3View technology by Carl Zeiss Microscopy and Gatan.

The World Championships of Nanoparticle Counting

This novel competition pitted representatives from 4 countries against one another in The World Championship of Nanoparticle Counting in which each combatant raced to count 100 nanoparticles using a qNano from Izon.

Demonstration of Oxford Instruments’ INCAMineral Software

This video demonstrates INCAMineral software from Oxford Instruments. INCAMineral performs mineral liberation analysis on multipurpose SEMs.

Advances in Nanoelectrochemistry: Enabling New Discoveries in Small Volume Chemistry - Dr. Jeffrey Dick at Pittcon 2023

Dr. Jeffrey Dick, an accomplished chemist, shared insights into his research on studying the chemistry of small volumes and nano-electrochemical tools in an interview at Pittcon 2023.

Brief Tutorial and Overview of Nanosurf CoreAFM

This video demonstrates the main features of Nanosurf's CoreAFM, and gives a brief tutorial on how to perform a measurement using CoreAFM system. The tutorial explains about mounting a cantilever, preparing samples, and carrying out a measurement.

Recent Advances in AFM-Based Nanoscale Thermal Analysis

This exclusive video features a presentation about the latest advances in atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based nanoscale thermal analysis.

Perfusate pH Changes from Acidic to Alkaline Triggering Conformational Change in BSA - A Video by Farfield Group

This video shows Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) molecules binding to BS3 molecules adhering to the surface of an optical chip. The BSA molecules then undergo a conformational change as the pH of the perfusate changes from acid to alkaline. This is an excerpt from a video that iemedia solutions produced for the Scientific Instrumentation Division of the Farfield Group to illustrate the measurement capabilities of their Dual Polarisation Interferometry technology.

Introduction to Scanning Thermal Microscopy - Part 3

This video presentation covers the basics of scanning thermal microscopy, a scanning probe-based measurement technique for mapping thermal properties of samples. SThM enables the measurement of temperature, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and other thermodynamic measurements with nanoscale resolution.

Inovenso's Electrospinning machine: NS Mini Pilot

Scale-up to the pilot line of Electrospinning with Inovenso's NS Mini Pilot.

M4 TORNADO - Micro-XRF Spectrometer from Bruker

This video shows high performance Micro-XRF spectrometer from Bruker. The M4 TORNADO is very versatile instrument.

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